Luda Korczynskyj
Luda is a ceramic artist of Ukrainian descent, who originally ran a pottery business in Walpole, on the south coast of Western Australia. Her great grandfather was a village potter in North Eastern Ukraine. After her pottery years producing over 10,000 pieces of kitchenware, she taught Pottery for SubiacoTafe at Perth Modern School for 11 years, after which she took on more creative aspects of working with clay; she used her pottery wheel skills in making human forms, and combines colour and texture to transform clay into sculptural pieces.
Her exploration of the fineness of porcelain clay in Orchidacea, her Ukrainian decorative designs in Pysanka and her own personal journey in her Bloodlands exhibitions, have given her focus. She has won several art awards, was shortlisted for the Black Swan Art Award for Heritage in 2012 and has work in collections at Melville City council, Gosnells, Victoria Park, Wanneroo and private collections.
Her latest body of work is called Women on a wire and was shown in Perth at the Gallows Gallery in Mosman Park in January 2018. It had a second showing at Petrichor Gallery in Walpole on the south coast of Western Australia. She currently works from her Studio in Victoria Park but often retreats to her property in Walpole for inspiration and solitude.
Website: www.ludaceramics.com
Email: luda.k@iinet.net.au
Facebook: Luda Korczynskyj